Swarajya Heritage Tour - Varanasi
Swarajya Heritage Tour - Varanasi 

Join Us For A Trip To Kashi, The Oldest Of Indian Cities

ByAmar Govindarajan

Dear Reader,

There's one trip I've been waiting to go on for the longest time. It is also the trip that many Indians make at some point in their lives. It is a trip that mixes history and religion in ways we may not even realize.

I am speaking of Kashi, that nerve centre of Indian culture, that melting point of Indian spiritual endeavors and that headquarter for India's philosophers for over 2000 years.

What has Kashi been home to? Kashi has been home to the lord of our universe, I speak of the Kashi Vishwanath. Kashi has been home to the worshipers of the Mother - Shakta worship has been in Kashi for centuries.

Kashi has been home for the Buddhists at Sarnath. Kashi has been home for the Kabirpanthis. Kashi was also home for Bismillah Khan.

Kashi was, is and will remain home for the Indic spiritual traveller.

Swarajya is doing a 4 days heritage tour of Kashi - we're bringing our best subject matter experts to take you through the old and new of Kashi. We're putting together an itinerary that is truly immersive in the city's history and seeped in tradition.

I'd like to invite you on this tour of one of India's greatest cities. Come, join us. There are only a limited number of tickets available.

More details at this link.

When: 18 to 21 September 2019

From: Varanasi (The trip begins and ends in Varanasi)

To book your place go this link and make your booking.

I look forward to seeing you in Kashi. Do make it!

Amar Govindarajan