Photo credit- MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)
Photo credit- MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images) 

Oscars 2018: Here Are Some Bold Predictions

ByJames Berardinelli

The 90th Academy Awards ballot - a Berardinelli edition.

Every year I present my guesses as to what will win at the Oscars. This is all done in fun, of course and (even though I run a contest), I do not consider myself an expert. I have only once run the table with a perfect ballot and, most years, I miss between three and five categories. This year, I fully expect to miss four: two of the three genuine “toss-up” (those are Picture, Original Screenplay, and Visual Effects) and two that come out of left field. When it comes to most of the technical categories, I play the odds. Sometimes, for the majors, if something isn’t a “lock”, I play a hunch.

For those who are curious or want to laugh at me when I miss something obvious, here are my fearless predictions. (Because of the contest, I can’t wait until the day before to post them.)

This piece first appeared in Reelviews and has been republished here with permission.