Blue Origin’s New Shepard Rocket
Blue Origin’s New Shepard Rocket 

Jeff Bezos’ Space Company Will Sell Tickets To Space Very Soon

BySwarajya Staff

Amazon co-founder Jeff Bezos’ space company, Blue Origin, has put up a form on its website for interested 'space travellers' to get in touch with his company. Those who fill up the form will receive 'early access to pricing information and tickets' when Blue Origin opens up reservations.

Blue Origin has lined up two space vehicles: New Shepard and New Glenn. The New Shepard is a reusable vehicle that will take people to sub-orbital space for a fee. The New Glenn, however, is a heavier rocket intended to carry payloads (or people) much further, into orbital space.

If you get to travel on the New Glenn you would be able to experience about four minutes of weightlessness during the 11 minute flight. Ofcourse, you will also be able to see the curvature of Earth against the blackness of space.