Rona Wilson, one of the ‘urban naxals’. (via Facebook)
Rona Wilson, one of the ‘urban naxals’. (via Facebook) 

Maharashtra Police Unearth Startling Details On The Role Of Urban Naxals In Maoist Insurrection

BySwarajya Staff

The Maharashtra police is in possession of “conclusive proof” establishing close links between the arrested left-wing activists and extremist Maoist organisations.

Maharashtra police Additional Director General (law and order) Parambir Singh detailed reporters in Mumbai yesterday (31 August) on the investigation that resulted in a coordinated countrywide crackdown on Maoist activists last week.

The evidence, in the form of emails, documents and secret conversations, points to a planned violent insurrection against the Narendra Modi-led NDA Government. Singh also informed that the arrested activists — Varavara Rao, Arun Pereira, Sudha Bharadwaj, Vernon Gonsalves, Anand Teltumbde and Stan Swami — functioned as overground workers of the banned terror outfit Communist Party of India(Maoist).

The Maharashtra police also produced a letter exchange by one of the arrested activist, Rona Wilson, that spoke of planning a “Rajiv Gandhi-like” incident to end “Modi-Raj”.

“A letter written by a CPI(Maoist) central committee member, Comrade Sudarshan to Gautam Navlakha shows direct evidence of their linkages and instructions for further armed insurrections,” Singh informed reporters

During the police investigation, it was established that activist Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson and others were deeply engaged in raising funds and buying arms to overthrow the government.

Singh added that during the course of raids and seizures, incriminating evidence, including password-protected devices, were seized. This evidence was video-graphed and sent to the state Forensic Science Lab for further analysis. He also maintained that the integrity of the evidence, the lab only provided a cloned copy, while the original device remained with the lab.

Singh also sought custodial interrogation of the arrested activists.