Flag of Sindhudesh (Pic Via Wikipedia)
Flag of Sindhudesh (Pic Via Wikipedia) 

MQM’s Altaf Hussain To Head Government-In-Exile Of ‘Sindhu Desh’, Announces Leader Of Sindh-Based Organisation JSMM

BySwarajya Staff

Prominent Sindhi nationalist leader and chairman of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM), Shafi Burfat has announced that Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) founder Altaf Hussain will be the head of the exile government of the ‘Sindhu Desh’, reports ANI.

Burfat's JSMM is a Sindh-based nationalist organisation, which is struggling for the independence of the region and works according to the ideologies of Ghulam Murtaza Syed, also known as GM Syed, a pioneer of Jeay Sindh Movement.

Sindhu Desh is an idea of a separate country for Sindhi people residing in the Sindh region of present day Pakistan. The idea was first floated after independence of Bangladesh in 1971.

In an interview to a US-based Urdu web channel on Sunday ( 19 January), Burfat made an announcement for the governments, policymakers and political leaders of India, United States and United Kingdom as well as the entire international community that his party will form government in exile for ‘Sindhu Desh’ and the MQM chief will not only be its spokesperson but will also head the government.

The JSSM leader said that the international community should accept the Sindh government in exile and support its independence, if they want to get rid of the terrorism, fascism, barbarism and evilness of Pakistan.

"India is our neighbour and we especially appeal to the Indian government and its leadership to accept the exile government of Sindhu Desh and support our struggle for the independence of Sindh," Burfat was quoted as saying.

Stating that Hussain is a great leader, Burfat said that history is the witness to the fact that the MQM leader has dedicated his life to achieve the rights and independence of the oppressed.