
Video: Temsutula Imsong On Cleaning Banaras And India

BySwarajya Staff

Swarajya caught up with Temsutula Imsong, who is leading the drive to clean up the ancient ghats at Varanasi. 

Temsutula Imsong, along with her colleagues, has cleaned three ghats of Varanasi since 2012. And if you’ve ever visited the place, you’d know that cleaning even one requires nothing less than a super-human effort. Since the launch of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, her efforts have got the recognition they deserve (though only in the social media). Even Prime Minister Modi has made known his admiration for Imsong’s efforts.

In this brief chat, Imsong spoke to Swarajya about what made her start cleaning up the ghats in the first place, the importance of social media in her movement, the possibilities of India ever being clean, and a few other issues.