Photo credit-CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP/Getty Images
Photo credit-CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP/Getty Images 

JNU’s Kanhaiya Kumar Goes Berserk And Shouts At His Professor

BySwarajya Staff

English professor’s speech was interrupted by sloganeering by Kanhaiya Kumar. He was also booed by some students in the audience.

“We don’t beat the people we disagree with,” professor said. Attacking the Left politics, the professor asked the audience as to why it is so difficult to accept the legitimacy of the Indian state.

JNU students’ union leader Kanhaiya Kumar does not respect his teacher. He also does not like to give space to any opinion other than his or of that propagated by the Leftists. The student leader already faces charges of sedition. On Monday he shouted down Makarand Paranjape, poet and professor of English at a JNU event.

Paranjape’s speech was interrupted by sloganeering by Kanhaiya Kumar. He was also booed by some students in the audience. Paranjape was then made to face questions from the audience, again led by Kumar.

Speaking on the topic “Uncivil Wars: Tagore, Gandhi, JNU and What’s Left of the Nation?” Paranjape said: “When we (JNU) consider ourselves to be a democratic space we should also ask ourselves if this is entirely true.

“Isn’t it possible that this is a Left hegemonic space, where if you disagree you are silenced, you are boycotted, you are brow beaten, or ... (at this point he was shouted at, before Shehla Rashid, JNUSU VP had to stand up to ask the students to maintain order) but I love JNU too.

“We don’t beat the people we disagree with,” he said. Attacking Left politics, the professor asked the audience as to why it is so difficult to accept the legitimacy of the Indian state.

Stating that the present discourse in JNU in particular and in the country in general has destroyed the middle ground, he said that the people left are only at the extremes.

He said by “Left of the Nation” in his topic he wants to bring out what Left ideology in India has been with respect to nationalism.

“My friend Kanhaiya said ours is the oldest organization and we have fought a lot for independence. I want to ask him what about the flip flop that happened by the Communist Party of India when they suddenly declared that the imperialist war was a people’s war.

“The Community Party of India wrote to the British that we will not agitate when you are fighting, we will cooperate with you.

“When he said we fought for the Independence of India, I want to know the evidences. We have too many statements from everywhere here, can you show me a statement from North Korea, or even from China.

“I have met many Chinese intellectuals in a cafe, over a drink they will tell you how bad certain things are. But ask them to take out a morcha and they can’t. So who is democratic and who is not we have to deeply ask ourselves,” he said.

Speaking amidst a gathering which was either neutral or pro-Left, Paranjape pointed out “misrepresentations” in the speech Kumar made after his release from jail post the interim-bail.

“Kanhaiya said in his celebrated speech Golwalkar met Mussolini. Did you check your facts, it was Moonje who met Mussolini,” Paranjape said.

“I am not saying they were not impressed by the fascist, they were. They thought it is a very good idea to have an authoritarian system. Please let us agree on what is factual and what is not,” he said.

“Fascism stands for anti-democratic position and so does Stalinism.”

“I am proud to belong to a country where one so-called judicial murder created such a huge ruckus,” he said, asking whether they know how many judicial murders were committed from 1920 to 1950s in Stalin’s USSR.

“Seven hundred and seventy nine, ninety nine thousand five hundred and fifty three. Almost a million and how many people were executed for criminal and civil charges? Only 34,000,” he added.