
The Hypocrisy Behind The Dalit Christian Demand For ‘Caste Reservation Benefits’

Anonymous Contributor

Jan 15, 2020, 11:18 AM | Updated 11:18 AM IST

Church - Representative Image
Church - Representative Image
  • A Dalit Christian organisation has petitioned the Supreme Court, seeking reservation benefits for its adherents.
  • This is nothing but an attempt to take control of institutions and corner resources, using the liberal spirit of the law.
  • For, ‘caste discrimination’ is valid only if there is a ‘caste’. Conversion to Christianity is done to escape caste, on the promise of ‘equality before Christ’. Hence, the demand appears invalid, malafide.
  • The system of caste is said to be the curse of only Hinduism. Religious conversions are going unabated, only by exploiting this myth.

    Hinduism is full of caste divisions and untouchability, and if you come out of Hinduism, you will be respected and treated as an equal - this is the war-cry of those behind conversions.

    If you look into all other religions, it is an undisputed fact that only Hinduism has a system called “Caste”, which has, unfortunately, come to be based on birth.

    Caste, in its origin, was based upon the profession one chose in his life. Even our Puranas have so many instances to support this fact.

    Dronacharya was born a Brahmin but unable to bear the suffering of his son Ashwathama, due to abject poverty, he turned into a Kshatriya and fought in the Kurukshetra war, which is proscribed for Brahmins.

    King Kaushika was born a Kshatriya but wanted to be revered by all for his knowledge rather than his valour, and so turned into a Brahmin known as Vishwamitra.

    Other religions of the world, especially those which originated outside Bharat, too had divisions and they too are based on birth.

    Unlike the caste system of Hinduism, these divisions did not originate from profession. Right from the beginning, they were birth-based.

    Islam has different sects such as Shias, Sunnis, Ahmadiyas, Bohras et cetera and Christianity has Catholic, Protestants, Pentecostal, Born Agains among others.

    The primary difference between the divisions in other religions and Hinduism is that while a Catholic may choose to be a follower of the Protestant denomination and vice-versa, a person born in one caste cannot choose other caste in Hinduism today. A Yadav cannot transform into a Jat or a Brahmin cannot become a Kshatriya today.

    Without comprehending the origin of the system of caste in Hinduism, others started denigrating our ancient Dharma, with an eye on converting our people into their religion. Muslim invaders started this practice, which was followed by the Missionaries during the British rule.

    What needs to be done is not eradication of caste per se but eradication of differences and hierarchy among various castes.

    There are certain politicians whose favourite pastime is deriding Manu. Can anyone say that a Dharma, which stipulates a much higher punishment for a Brahmin for a said crime, is written to perpetuate Brahminical superiority?

    Manu clearly says that if the same crime is committed by a Brahmin and a person of another division, then the punishment for a Brahmin is to be several times steeper and harsher.

    I ask a simple question to those deriding Manu – Will they agree for a harsher punishment for their leaders and a lesser punishment for the followers, in case of any wrongdoing?

    With this understanding of caste system, we shall now look into the demand, dusted and rejuvenated, to grant all the privileges applicable to Scheduled Caste people, to those who converted to other religions also.

    An organisation, ostensibly stated to be working for Dalit Christians, has filed a case in the Supreme Court of India seeking extension of all the privileges like reservation in education, jobs, electoral constituencies and even protection of Protection of Civil Rights Act for Dalits converted to Christianity.

    The stony silence of those avowedly fighting for the cause of Dalit cause betrays their motive and purpose.

    Religious conversions take place primarily citing oppression based on caste in Hinduism. When caste is unique to Hinduism alone, how can these privileges be extended to Christians? Their lies the catch.

    It is a ploy to have the cake and enjoy it too. At the time of enjoying the privileges, those converts will claim they are Dalits, and at other times, they will claim they are “enlightened” and not Hindus.

    With this, they will monopolise seats in educational institutions, jobs and even our reserved constituencies meant only for Scheduled Caste people and leave us, Hindus, in the lurch.

    The Schedule drawn for the purpose of listing the castes, known as Scheduled Castes, contains the names of castes, which are exclusive to Hinduism. When there is no system of caste in Christianity, how could a convert to Christianity claim he/she belongs to a particular caste?

    When caste is called the “curse” of Hinduism, why does the Dalit Christian organisation want to carry the same “curse” into Christianity?

    Is that not against the tenets of Christianity and very much contrary to Canon Law?

    The argument put forth by the Dalit Christian organisation which has filed the case is that even after conversion, Dalits are facing discrimination and were oppressed based on caste and hence, those privileges available to Hindu Dalits are to be made available to converted Dalit Christians too. It is time to expose their dichotomy and hypocrisy.

    Minority educational institutions, most of them run by Christian organisations of various denominations, and some of which date back to the British period, do not allow reservation for Scheduled Castes and Tribes in their institutions.

    The fact is reservation in education and jobs is not applicable to those minority institutions. Even the Right to Education Act is not applicable to these minority institutions.

    How many of you are aware that those minority educational institutes run by Christian organisations of various denominations do not allow reservation in education and jobs for Scheduled Castes and Tribes?

    How many of you are aware that as per law in force, these minority institutions are exempted from reservations?

    How many of you aware that many provisions of the Right to Education Act are not applicable in these minority educational institutions?

    Do you know that there are separate gates and places of worship for Dalit Christians in several parts of the country, while those converting Dalits into Christianity proclaim that everybody is equal before Christ?

    How many of you are aware that even a decent burial is not permitted for Dalit Christians in the common burial ground of several Churches of various denominations?

    The concern shown by the so-called Dalit Christian organisation is not for Dalits, but is meant to usurp all the privileges applicable to Dalits and to monopolise every institution.

    With the so-called secular parties bending over backwards to appease the minorities for their votes, the day would soon dawn on us when Hindus would be made second-class citizens in their country of birth.

    This is not an exaggeration, considering that Dr. Manmohan Singh, the two-time Prime Minister during the UPA regime, announced in an open forum that minorities have the “first right” on the resources of this nation.

    It is time to wake up.

    Are we going to continue our deep slumber and let our rights be taken away by institutions allegedly funded by foreign missionaries?

    Are we going to let not only the Dalits but each and every Hindu be made into a second-class citizen, with the right to every resource of our nation given to minorities first?

    It is high time we realise the motives and hidden agenda of the so-called Dalit leaders whose one and only goal in politics is to enrich themselves, even by betraying their Dalit brethren.

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