
[Watch] Say No To Peaceniks – They’ve Got No Plan To Stop Terror From Pakistan

Swarajya Videos

Feb 28, 2019, 09:47 PM | Updated 09:47 PM IST

The peaceniks are wrong. Here’s why.
The peaceniks are wrong. Here’s why.


It's been three days since the beginning of hostilities between India and Pakistan. Actually – 10 – if you count from the day the Pulwama terror attacks took place.

The unfortunate loss of a MiG-21 aircraft and the capture of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman has led to a big chorus among the perpetual peaceniks of the sub-continent.

The capture of an IAF pilot was quickly exploited for virtue signalling by some in the elitist English media. They say they want to avoid war and that war is not a solution for what India and Pakistan are going through right now.

In this episode, we want to tell you how such defeatist, hollow sentimentalism has hurt the cause of India's fight against terrorism in the last 20-30 years.

First, this reckless pacifism encourages jihadi organisations.

If you dial back to 1999, when the IC-814 Indian Airlines flight was hijacked and its passengers held hostage, you'll notice the same peace-demanding gang was mobilising opinion in favour of releasing Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar.

The pressure tactics against the government by big TV channels, anchors, and journalists worked. India released the dreaded terrorist, and what happened?

Jaish-e-Mohammad has since struck India multiple times – including the Parliament attack in 2001, the Mumbai attacks of 2008, the 2016 Pathankot attack, and lastly the Pulwama attacks earlier this year.

So when peaceniks want India to talk to Pakistan, what exactly does it signal to jihadis? Weakness. Jaish will come back to hit you and we will see more terrorist strikes on Indian soil. How exactly do peaceniks plan to end this thousand-year war?

The second reason peaceniks are wrong is that the Pakistan Army has never been interested in taking any kind of serious action against jihadi groups.

There has not been a single – I repeat – a single conviction or extradition of jihadis in all these years. We've been subject to horrendous bombings of our cities and we've regularly sent dossiers on the people behind these attacks.

Turns out not even a single terrorist has been convicted or extradited. No conviction in thirty years. So what exactly is the end game in talking to Pakistan? No peacenik will get into these details – they stop with empty virtue signalling.

Finally, the last reason India must ignore those tweeting "Say No To War" and gloating about Indian casualties in armed action is that this group has no skin in the game.

The entire drama about de-escalating and talking to Pakistan is merely virtue signalling for these talking heads. When terror hits Indian cities and forces, it is the common man and woman who is hit – be it the office goer or the soldier.

The Lutyens' elite is safe in their cocoons – they're not going to be hit by bomb attacks, the poor CRPF jawan is.

Make no mistake, this is not a conflict India sought. Jihadi mobilisation started first, Kashmiri Islamist supremacism started first, India's cities were bombed first, India's troops are being hit.

India is merely responding in self-defence. By hitting back hard and ensuring fear in the hearts of the adversary, we are saying no to a future war. We're imposing costs, inflicting material damage, and destroying jihadi morale.

Don't believe the pacifists – they're probably only looking for a free flight ticket to the next Track-2 diplomacy conference in a posh location.

Remember, we're not the aggressor here. India didn't start this, but our view is that India must end it – on its own terms.

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