
Trump Assassination Attempt: What Happens When A Politician Is Called 'Hitler' Nonstop For A Decade? We Just Found Out

K Bhattacharjee

Jul 14, 2024, 02:13 PM | Updated Aug 29, 2024, 12:40 PM IST

Donald Trump after being shot at
Donald Trump after being shot at
  • For their part, leftists on social media are expressing their sorrow over the failed assassination attempt.
  • What happens when a politician is demonised for a decade as the second coming of Adolf Hitler by the overwhelming majority of mainstream media, the rival political establishment, the academia, the entertainment industry and the entirety of pop culture?

    What happens when the same message is broadcast nationwide through all the institutions of memetic transmission, 24/7, for nearly a decade?

    Unfortunately, we received our answer on the morning of 14 July 2024 when Donald Trump suffered an assassination attempt during his final rally in Pennsylvania, just before his formal nomination as the Republican candidate for the US Presidential Elections in November.

    The entirety of the American political establishment, regardless of the divide, has come together to condemn the assassination attempt on the former president, even though Democrats resolutely refused to associate the phrase ‘assassination attempt’ to describe the events of the day.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of 'The Squad,' described it as a 'horrific incident,' while sitting US President Joe Biden, in his condemnation, stated that he would refrain from describing it as such until he had all the information, as he clarified to a journalist's question. Others have chosen to be even more innovative with their comments on the same.

    For their part, leftists on social media, some with a large number of followers and many otherwise, are expressing their sorrow over the assassination attempt as well, since Donald Trump survived it and the shooter missed his mark by centimetres.

    While some are outraging against the shooter for missing his mark, others are being more subtle, emphasising the necessity of training with a gun to not miss targets. They are not even pretending to hide the malice that festers in their hearts, even after considering the momentousness of the occasion.

    Honestly, the overwhelming blame for such undiluted hatred on social media on such a tragic day, when at least one innocent citizen has lost their life and multiple others have been injured for merely attending a political rally, ought to be shouldered by Democrats, intellectuals, journalists, professionals and celebrities who have spent the past decade equating Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

    It is the endless barrage of their propaganda that has brainwashed significant sections of the American population into genuinely believing that radical actions are called for to stop the victory of impending fascism in the United States.

    Ultimately, it is the elites that shape political discourse in a country. If remarkable swathes of the masses are radicalised to the point of justifying political violence, then it’s the elites who shape political discourse that must shoulder the responsibility for it.

    Frankly, the alarm bells should have started ringing long ago. The Congressional Baseball Shooting incident in June 2017, where a 66-year-old supporter of Bernie Sanders shot at the then US House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others, ought to have been a call for a major de-escalation in political rhetoric.

    James Hodgkinson, the left-wing terrorist responsible for the shooting, shared a petition demanding the removal of President Trump and Vice President Pence saying, "Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co." These are all talking points that were manufactured in the newsrooms of the mainstream media.

    When Senator Rand Paul was severely injured after he was attacked by his neighbour over a personal dispute, his injury was justified, and even celebrated, by vast sections of the Left. Rand Paul had broken ribs from the incident and developed complications from it that he would have to deal with all his life, but that was not sufficient enough to evoke sympathy from his political opponents.

    In July 2022, a Republican candidate for New York Governor, Lee Zeldin, was attacked by a man and an attempt was made to stab him but fortunately, he escaped unhurt.

    Apart from such attacks against Republican politicians, there has been a widespread increase in leftwing political violence in the United States. The violent riots that ripped through Democrat-ruled cities, infamously described as ‘mostly peaceful protests’ by CNN, were glaring evidence that leftwing extremism was spiralling out of control. And yet, the liberal elites turned a blind eye to them as businesses were razed to the ground, and lives and livelihoods were destroyed by raging leftwing mobs. There have been innumerable occasions when Antifa mobs have attacked individuals associated with the right wing and then went on to justify it in the name of ‘combating fascism.’

    One of the most unfortunate moments during the entire chain of events was when 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse found himself in Kenosha on a violent night with leftwing mobs on a rampage. He shot 3 individuals that night in self-defence, killing two, and injuring the other one.

    The liberal establishment came down hard upon him, labelling the minor a ‘white supremacist’ and Joe Biden himself, then a presidential candidate, suggested that the boy was a ‘white supremacist.’

    Eventually, Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges when the Jury, like most people whose brains had not been fired by politics, concluded that he had acted in self-defence. It was revealed in the immediate aftermath of the shooting that one of the individuals Rittenhouse had shot and killed was a convicted paedophile.

    Consider this for a moment, liberals would choose to defend a paedophile who was killed in the process of attacking a 17-year-old rather than the 17-year-old kid himself.

    All of this illustrates just a simple fact. There is no decency that liberals will not outrage, no norm that they will not violate, no crime they will not whitewash, provided that it serves their political interests and the atrocity is committed against their political enemies.

    Unfortunately, Indians received a much milder taste of this hatred only a few weeks previously when Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut was physically assaulted by a female CISF constable on duty. Liberals on social media rushed to the defence of the woman, even valorising her criminal behaviour.

    However, what has been happening in West Bengal and the violence, murder and rape that BJP workers are being subjected to for years leaves a much more disgusting taste in the mouth. Even that has been consistently whitewashed by liberals, and all for the sake of political opportunism.

    A few words have to be said here for Donald Trump as well. For all his faults and shortcomings, he demonstrated true greatness when he stood back up after the bullet pierced his ear, pumped his fist in the air and yelled ‘fight,’ thereby calming the nerves of his supporters not only at the venue but across the United States.

    Quite a few liberals are using those visuals to proclaim that the assassination attempt was staged, but it is not surprising that mediocre men could not ever hope to comprehend the instincts of the great.

    Needless to say, all Americans would be holding their breath from now until the conclusion of the elections, aware that things could turn very ugly very quickly. There are a lot of terrible people out there who want nothing more than to watch the world burn.

    K Bhattacharjee writes on politics and international affairs.

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